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Saturday, August 11, 2012

And mail keeps coming!

Hi all!  Hot, hot, hot is how I can describe the weather this summer.  I can hardly believe it is almost the middle of August.  Time is passing way too quickly!  Last week I started teaching English again and I worked 20 hours which doesn't seem like a lot but when you are on vacation and then start up again it's something.  I was blessed with some great mail though which always makes me happy.
Thought I'd start off with this lovely postcard my friend Molly sent from New Hampshire.
More decos I received from my friend Marianne.  I'm swimming in them these days but love them.
I received this great letter and FBs from my friend Astrid from Sweden.
I also received a nice sticker swap.
A nice letter and postcards from my friend Gaby from Germany.
I received this great letter, with postcards, craft supplies in a pretty envelope from my friend Maria from USA.  She also sent the notebook below that she made.  It is so gorgeous!
Two pretty envelopes I received in the mail, above from a swap partner and below from my friend Renata from Germany.
I love this "Back To school" ATC made by a group swap partner.
A letter and photos from my friend Renata from Germany (from envelope above).  She also made me these two beautiful envelopes.  They've certainly inspired me to make some of my own since I have hundreds of rubber stamps.
A letter and FBs from my sweet friend Beate from Norway.
Another great letter and FBs from my friend Ulrica from Sweden.
A fantastic letter, travel report, photos, decos and FBs from my great friend Nicole from USA.
A lovely letter and swap from my friend Judy from England.
Two of the magazines I have recently purchased and read.  I love magazines by Somerset publishing and buy them regularly.  I've been slack with letter writing this week and decoing.  I have a zillion things going round in my head right now because soon it'll be back to school for Noah and myself.  With these zillions of things in my head it's difficult to stay focused and I feel restless.  Hopefully I'll feel more settled in a couple of days.  I hate when this happens because I get nothing accomplished.


  1. Lovely stuff, as usual! My letter to you is almost ready, I need to write a few more lines then pick a few decos for you and decorate them. I am sure I will mail it by the end of next week. :)

  2. Hi my friend! I'm glad to stop by here and see your mail, you always inspire me with your pics! Good to know my envelope reached you :) I'm back to NC :/ but ready to start writing again! Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday!
    Hugs ^^
