Phew! It was certainly hot and humid this past week. Last Thursday the temps reached 44 celcius. Now, living in Quebec we don't get those types of temps very often so when we do it is HOT for us. Today it was much more seasonable with 25 celcius. Aw...much better! So, did I get much done last week? No, not with these temps. We spent most of our days at the pool or in front of the fans. I did enjoy receiving some beautiful mail although I didn't put together many enveloppes due to lazyness from the heat. :(
I belong to a few swap groups at yahoo mostly having to do with HQFBs and decos but we also have fun swaps too. I was paired up with this lovely lady from Jordan for many swaps and she really spoiled me. She sent the socks above as part of one swap.
We also had a "Pick 5" swap and the loot above is what I received from her.
Then she was also my partner for "Paris at Night" deco, "Paddington Bear" deco and "Vintage Mickey Mouse" deco. Aren't her decos so beautiful?!
Her daughter was also paired with me for this "1950's America" deco swap so she sent it in the same enveloppe. It seems talent runs in this family as this is also a pretty deco.
And, finally she (not the daughter but the mom) sent me some decos as part of another swap. You can imagine how thrilled I was to receive such a fat enveloppe in the mail. Yay! :)
I also received a lovely letter and HQFBs from my friend Tomomi from Japan. She also sent me some pretty flowers for crafting.
Two more swaps I received from Germany; a "Vintage Romantic" deco and "Suzy Zoo" deco. They are beautiful!
Another swap, "All for Myself" FBs from Saudi Arabia.
And, there's Noah (far distance) having fun in the pool. The family whose children I teach English to are away on vacation until mid August and are letting us use their pool. They are really a nice family and Noah is enjoying their pool. Lucky for us because city workers are going on strike next week so pools will be closed as they are not considered an essential service. I can't imagine having no place to cool off with temps of 44 celcius. Lucky for us we won't have to worry about it.:) Aw..great, one of the cats just stole my spot on the couch (next to my writing stuff). Not sure where I'm supposed to sit and write now??????????
Hi there! I'm Jacqueline from Quebec, Canada. I am an English teacher. This blog is dedicated to my love of crafts, letter writing and any other event I want to share. I love; being creative with my letter writing, pretty paper, cats, papercrafts, painting, colouring, House Mouse, history, reading, Matryoshka dolls, Suzy Zoo, Chococat, anything vintage, animals (more than people), spending time with my family, traveling, the countryside and so much more. I have a 12 year old son named Noah and husband named Jeffrey. We have two male cats by the names of Subaru and Mustang. We also have two female cats named Sadie and Ginger. Hope you'll enjoy taking a peak into my life.
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