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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Last week's mail!

Hi all!  Hope everyone has had a nice week and beginning of spring.  It snowed 30cms here the day before spring so it felt more like the beginning of winter.  Not fun at all!  I'm still struggling with my father's cancer and haven't felt much motivation for anything these days.  I'm so behind on everything it seems.  Last week I had a painting class and it was nice to get out and work on a mixed media art project although I didn't want to go at first.  This week I'll have another class to finish the project and then I'll post a photo of it.  In mail news it was a rather lonely week for my mailbox.
I received this BEAUTIFUL Easter card handmade by my friend Rosita from Finland.
Another Easter card I received from my friend Nicole from USA.  This is a Marjolein Bastin design which I love.
Another beautiful tulip (I love tulips) Easter card from my friend Molly from USA.  She also included a short note, FB, postcard of Vermont and photos from when she came to Sherbrooke for the winter carnival at the beginning of March.  On the photo you can see my husband Jeffrey, our son Noah and I.
A sweet letter and FBs from my dear friend Beate from Norway.
I received a swap of FBs and a pretty peacock deco.
And, I also received this pretty "Cute Characters at Spring" deco from a group swap partner.
See you soon!


  1. Awesomeness!!!<3 I love all these cute things and envies!

  2. Please stay strong supporting your father... God bless you.
