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Friday, December 31, 2010


So, Christmas has come and gone. We've already put our decorations away and we're ready for the New Year. Besides, whether we're ready or not it'll come anyway. For us it's only the change of the calendar though. We don't usually do much during the holidays and it's fairly quiet. On Christmas morning this year we were happy Noah got up at 7:00 instead of last year's 4:00am. He was really happy with all of his presents. Everyone is always spoiled in my house and we are grateful. So many people have nothing and it really doesn't seem fair, does it?
We had lunch at my parents' and have been relaxing ever since then. I've been trying to get some letters written and I desperately need to clean out stuff and get organized but somehow that doesn't seem as fun.

Noah Christmas morning.

Here is a photo of my presents from friends, pals and family. Thanks to everyone.

Of course the kittens were quite excited too. Here is Mustang seeing if Santa brought him something and he did, a stocking full of toys to share with Subaru. Kylie, the older cat couldn't care less. She just wants peace and quiet.
Subaru, pooped after playing with his toys.
I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas. I'll be back in the New Year. :)

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pics, Jacqueline! Noah & the kitties seem very happy! :) I know what you mean about clean out stuff and get organized, I know I should do this too, but I am sooo not in the mood. I came home from the mountains this evening and... I think I can be lazy for another day... :) *hugs*
